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Sylvia Hubbard
ASIN: B0058W09SS
Publisher: HubBooks Literary Service
Pages: 270

Skye Patterson - 24-year old entrepreneur trying to make her way in the world all by herself since she was orphaned at birth - finds herself the victim of a mind controlling substance. Moving to Detroit, was a big step emotionally, but she never thought it would be a big step mentally. The mind controlling drugs invade her life enveloping her in a world she never thought she could experience and a love that was too good to be true with one of her clients, Thaddeus Newman, a powerful construction business owner. When she begins to experience the too real dreams she tries to convince herself they are not real, but as the dreams become more vivid, she delves deep into a world of pimps, businessmen, doctors, and murder, until she finds out what is really happening to her. With Thaddeus by her side, she is able to face her reality and conquer her fears. Dreams of Reality touches on the new ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 47 ratings