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Ola Wegner
ASIN: B005A7V5Y8
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 355

Pride and Prejudice variation.What if Elizabeth Bennet had agreed to Darcy's marriage proposal offered to her at Hunsford parsonage, sincerely thinking it was the best thing she could have done in her situation? As his fiancée and later wife, can she fall in love with Fitzwiliam Darcy who is still very much arrogant, rude, and not reformed man? Will she be able to look over her own prejudice and apprehension, and see a worthy man who loves, and desires her?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I thank you, Mr. Darcy. I do accept.” It came out so quietly that it was barely heard, even to herself. She averted her eyes from him, resting them stubbornly on the ornament of the mantelpiece. She thought the silence between them lasted an eternity. Perhaps she should not have agreed so quickly, she thought in panic. She ...
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4 stars from 99 ratings