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Jenn Thorson
Publisher: Waterhouse Press
Pages: 358

It's the age-old tale of boy meets alien abductor. Boy meets stun-gun. Boy learns he's the only one in the Universe who can save the Earth from extreme world makeover by inter-stellar landlords. (Yeah: he thinks it's a bit much, too.) Like everyone else on his planet, Bertram Ludlow hasn't paid much attention to fluctuations in the intergalactic real estate market. But as a cognitive psychology grad student, he has given some thought to what a complete mental breakdown looks like. And this is pretty close. Now he’s discovering space is a mad and mind-boggling place where interspecies communication rests on the power of a gumball. Where androids demand better work/life balance. Where crime is Art, technology still has its bugs, and lasers don’t go "pyew-pyew." It's also surprisingly easy to get on the Universe's Most Wanted list. So with the weight of the world on his shoulders and the ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 548 ratings