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Eleanor Troutt
Publisher: Troutt Publications
Pages: 32

This is a fun, upbeat story about a little car that meets a new challenge in life and is able to overcome it. Whether a child has diabetes or not, he will learn about overcoming problems in life. Rudy, The Little Red Sports Car, is not feeling well one day and his owner Bob takes him into a garage for a checkup. Bob learns that he has to make some adjustments in the way he drives it. Rudy's automatic transmission (the pancreas) is broken and Rudy now has to be driven with a manual transmission and he also needs a special additive to run again (insulin). There are many parallels to diabetes – but the main message in this upbeat tale is that life with diabetes can go on as usual – just with a few adjustments. This book could also be used by an adult with diabetes to help a child understand what an individual with diabetes experiences every day.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 15 ratings