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Jane Summers
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 51

You’re about to discover the wonderful methods of composting. Learn how you can play a crucial role in our environmental concerns of today while giving your plants the food they love! You will learn how to turn what most people see as waste and turn it into soil full of wonderful nutrients. You’ll find how composting really works and the best methods to do it. You can make composting fun and easy to do! Together we’ll find how composting can benefit your green lifestyle! In this book your learn:• Easy to follow steps on the composting process• What are the best ingredients for healthy rich compost• What’s the best material ratio for your compost• How to choose the best location for your compost• Which materials to avoid that are bad for compost.• The necessary tools you’ll need to get started.• How to speed up the decomposition process• What to do with your compost after it’s ...
Amazon Rating:
3 stars from 7 ratings