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Christopher Nyerges
Publisher: School of Self-reliance
Pages: 215

The Story of How Dolores and I Dealt with DeathHow can we deal with death in an uplifting – even positive – way? This book covers some of the lessons about death from the life of Christopher and Dolores Nyerges. Included are lessons about how to support those whose spouses have died, having animal funerals, how to prepare for the inevitability of death, how to “be with” your loved one when they die, and more. There are sections about dealing with “ghosts,” and the possibility of an afterlife. The book is presented as a series of vignettes, all true, real-life examples. Though this is not a “how-to” book, it is presented in such a way to assist anyone who is going through something similar. This book also deals with the details of how Dolores died, and how her body was kept for three days in the home. Numerous reviewers have been emotionally moved by reading the accounts of how Dolores’ ...
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5 stars from 4 ratings