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Donna Schmier
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 96

So many wonderful highly acclaimed books both theological and secular who have explored every section of His name and with great response and merits for their accomplishments however no one has ever addressed the names God is not.Having each reader in mind as I penned this book, I will try to address this very question and put to rest some of the myths that have been bandied about. The housing crisis, health problems, rebellious children, farmland not producing crops and more will be addressed here.In this world of total turmoil and chaos, we have been admonished multiple times to HONOR the Lord thy God and not curse Him. This command has fallen on deaf ears; corruption runs rampant as we enter the latter days, the last days if you will. How did we as a Christian Nation get to this point? The millions of screams from the aborted babies cry for justice at their murder (legal murder) but ...
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