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June Kessler
Publisher: JK Marketing
Pages: 33

Enjoy successful baking and share the fun with your children. Kids love to help shape rolls with yeast dough. And bake and decorate cookies and cakes In this book is a collection of our favorite recipes; many can be frozen for a later date. The following delicious recipes will be found in this book.Delicious White BreadNo Knead Refrigerator DoughHerb Dinner RollsCinnamon Pecan Swirl Coffee CakeAlmond-Filled Tea RingSpiced Cranberry RollsLemon Pudding CakeApple Slump Swedish Baked Apple DessertBlack Forest Cake DesertFrozen Strawberry DesertCaramel Apple Bread PuddingTexas Sheet CakeChocolate-Cherry Cake Lemon Poppy Seed CakeIce Cream Cake RollPeppermint Ice Cream DesertFrench Silk PieGinger Pear CrispBanana Nut BreadStrawberry Nut BreadPineapple Nut BreadButtered Pecan Bread
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 55 ratings