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Mark Stephen Taylor
Publisher: (August 14, 2012)
Pages: 154

Treasure of the High Sierra: Dead Men’s Gold Old Spanish gold—and pirate's treasure's...things like this usually arouse our interest—and for sure stir our imaginations. Mr. Taylor's 'Treasure of the High Sierra' is no disappointment in this regard. In this 3rd mystery of the series, tracker/cartographer Mitch Holland and treasure hunter Rod Florea find themselves on Mt. Whitney (California), highest mountain in the contiguous USA. It is there that they come to the aid of two teenagers who are looking for hidden Spanish Gold. An old map purchased at a yard sale turns out to be quite authentic, and the 16th century pirate tale that gives the map that authenticity is indeed a bone-chilling account. Kidnapping, murder, and a macabre pirate curse are only a few of the things that Holland and Florea must deal with as they take on this challenge atop the high mountain. Elite members of the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 42 ratings