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Sergio Novikoff
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 70

What scared the daylights out of stewardesses working in Iran?What did a man who knew of his impending death discuss with a stewardess for several hours?How do the Chinese carry large-tonnage planes and their crews in their arms, and why do they do it?What ingenious ways do passengers use to flirt with the stewardesses who have caught their fancy?You will find the answers to all these questions, along with dozens of other fascinatingly candid stories, in this very book!It contains previously unpublished stories of real-life events experienced by stewardesses in recent years.Each stewardess tells her own story. There’s not a word of fiction here: all this actually happened.What is so special about this book is that it was not written by any single author or narrator. We have simply collected the best stories told by stewardesses in their own words.Each story is accompanied by an actual ...
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3 stars from 4 ratings