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Everett O'Keefe, John Riding
Publisher: The Solution Machine Publishing
Pages: 94

In this quick and ACTIONABLE read, Everett and John show you how to position yourself as the expert in your field and dominate your market using inexpensive online video marketing? We aren't talking expensive, perhaps boring commercials run on television, or maybe infomercials run late at night on odd cable television channels. In fact, these gimmicks are nothing like the video marketing that you’ll learn about in this book. This is a book of "guerrilla marketing" tactics, designed to help you stand head and shoulders above the crowd. People want to do business with experts, and John and Everett are the experts at making people experts! The traditional video marketing that often comes to mind is extremely expensive, very time consuming and is of mostly a shotgun nature. With that marketing method, one just casts videos out on television and cable programs, hoping that someone will watch ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 7 ratings