Katja Presnal
Publisher: Skimbaco Lifestyle
Pages: 114
This easy-to-read book will help you to learn to use Instagram effectively as a travel guide. The book will teach you how, what and who to search and follow on Instagram to make your next travel planning a much more pleasant, even fun experience. You will learn to connect with real travel experts; tourists exactly like you and local people, and they can tell you the secrets the tourist guide would never reveal. This book gives you a fresh new way of seeing how, what and where people, like you, travel. It also helps you to find an amazing community of people and see different perspectives of our world.The "Instagram as your Guide to the World - How, What and Who to Search and Follow on Instagram to Help You Travel the World" - book is a technical how-to book with real life examples from travels explaining how the tips help you to use Instagram as a travel guide. In addition to explaining ...