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Scott F Neve
ASIN: B00DV7E212
Publisher: Scott F Neve
Pages: 23

The following story contains copyrighted materials used under the Multimedia Guidelines and Fair Use exemptions of U. S. Copyright law. Further use is prohibited. The Comic King of Canada declared war against the U.S., aye! The criminal mastermind was a genius with duct tape and mind control. Who was the mystery figure behind the plot for world dominion?Jamie Hyneman was a top agent for the Secret Discovery Network. His code name was the Walrus. He was assigned as the mentor for Adam 'Am I missing an eyebrow?' Savage. Their direct counterparts at the Network were a trio of highly trained super agents known as Kari, Grant, and Tori. Grant the robotics expert and Tori the daring spy were equal in their knowledge of assassin techniques. Kari was the demolitions expert whose burning passion was for bigger and badder toys. The symbiotic relationship between them was like a redneck family ...
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