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Robin Rowles
Publisher: Robin Rowles
Pages: 80

Anne and Stan are not your everyday salt and pepper pots (shakers)! One day, Anne and Stan come to life! At first, they feel very frightened, so they keep their 'gift of life' a secret from their family. Anne and Stan discover they have secret powers... and it's not long before they have a 'burning desire' for an adventure! Anne and Stan are convinced there is a big opportunity, just waiting for them, that's far away from the family kitchen! Anne and Stan look forward to their chance to explore the outside world and have some fun and exciting adventures of their very own! When that perfect opportunity eventually comes they take it without any self-doubt or hesitation! These lovable characters will really surprise you!Anne and Stan have a truly magical time and are eventually given an unexpected new opportunity!This book has been written to promote: Harmony, Friendship, Fun, Imagination ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 5 ratings