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Camille Khairallah
ASIN: B00GF5226Y
Publisher: Camille Khairallah
Pages: 50

This book is a summary of what it is like to visit Gulu, Uganda through CVAP (Concordia Volunteer Abroad Program) and it is dedicated to past, present and future participants of the program. It reflects my personal opinion on what I have experienced in Acholiland and helps the reader imagine what it is like to live in such an environment. This book is not only dedicated for CVAPers per se, anybody who will or did travel to Uganda will be able to associate with the experiences that I lived while in Uganda. As for readers who are reading this book for pleasure or just for the sake of reading, then I hope that I will be able to convince you to head to Uganda one day. This Book is of great utility for anyone who is willing to travel to Africa, to get an idea of how it really feels to prepare before going and while in Uganda. Anybody with a will to volunteer is welcome to join CVAP, now ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 8 ratings