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Adrianne Lemke
ASIN: B00H59N8V2
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 256

“You saved me, consider this a gift. I will be watching. Be safe, Tracker- Kindred.” With this message, Kindred entered Jason’s life as a protector—and a threat. When Kindred’s vendetta leads to a confrontation between the two men, Jason must fight his instinct to run in order to stay and protect the people he loves.After everything Jason suffered, Hannah wants him to stop working with the police and live a more normal life. When Kindred refuses to stop, she recognizes Jason can’t remain idle while the assassin continues his killing spree. When Kindred gets in the way of Jason living his life, she needs to let Jason deal with him in his own way.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 7 ratings