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Molli Moran
Publisher: Molli Moran
Pages: 288

She yearns to take a leap back into his arms—but only if he can convince her they’ll make it to forever this time. With a life as a ballerina in New York City—and the freedom she craved while growing up in a small Southern town—Quinn Reynolds seems to have everything she’s ever wanted. But it’s all built on a painful past she can’t outrun. Desperate to make peace with her ghosts, she goes home for a visit. Back in the town she once loved, Quinn tries to rebuild the relationships she destroyed when she fled, which may be harder than she realized. And her life gets more complicated when Jonah Walker returns, reminding her of the love she’s never been able to forget. Or experience with anyone else since him.Jonah Walker became someone he didn’t recognize when he left his hometown to escape his anguish over losing Quinn. He kept his family at arm’s length and became a shell of his former ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 65 ratings