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Suzanne Halliday
Publisher: Suzanne Halliday
Pages: 274

Book One of the USA Today Best Selling Justice Brothers SeriesCameron Justice - Once a throw away kid heading for trouble, he found a sense of purpose in a war zone. Years later, successful, handsome and wealthy, Cam's mistrust of women and relationships in general have left him a brooding lonerLacey Morrow - Abused and neglected, she's a lost girl determined to make something of her life- if only she could catch a break.Unlikely Companions - Fate throws them together. Now the rest is up to them. Will Cam be able to leave the past behind and learn to trust? Will Lacey be strong enough to fight for what she wants- Or will the past be too much for them to overcome?THE JUSTICE BROTHERS Three extraordinary men and the women who love them How much distance do you need from your past before the dust settles? If it's all about the journey - this one is just beginning.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 3,323 ratings