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Doris Baker
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 178

Cartoons Make Math Facts and Vocabulary MemorableThis illustrated ebook with puzzles using math facts to solve fractions helps reinforce patterns common in multiplication and division. Math vocabulary – numerator, denominator, quotient, multiples, factors and prime numbers – is explained in colorful ways with brainteasers to improve recall.Cartooned numbers tell why automatically knowing multiplication and division facts and math vocabulary is important. You get help remembering math terms with a silly picture as well as practice finding numerators, denominators and quotients. Puzzles with multiples and factoring are included and prime numbers are introduced. Multiplication facts are reviewed by solving math word puzzles – such as ‘what divided by 6 equals 8?’ Rhyming clues used in other Picture It! ebooks are given as memory joggers for the answers. In this puzzle there’s a door and a ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings