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Mark Stephen Taylor
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages: 164

Welcome to another Lone Pine Western by award-winning author, Mark Stephen Taylor. Moon of the White Wolf, an untold tale of the High Sierra, 1874, is a journey amidst the heartbeat of the High Sierra; Lone Pine California and Mount Whitney—the highest mountain in the contiguous U.S.A.This is a continuation of the legend of the great, white wolf, first introduced in the author's work, Still Waters: Legend of the White Wolf. In this enduring sequel, the town of Lone Pine and surrounding ranches, as well as the village of the Shoshone, are threatened by an attack from the Paiute tribe to the south. This of course disrupts the ordinary lives of the story's characters, but when the great white wolf returns to the area under a harvest moon, there is indeed great hope. However, not all believe in the legendary white wolf. Yet, during the human struggle for understanding, a memorable cast of ...
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4.5 stars from 14 ratings