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Jerry S. Eicher
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Pages: 354

From bestselling Amish fiction author Jerry Eicher, here's another charming book about life among the Plain People.All Debbie Watson wanted to do was join the Amish and live a simpler life. But when she moved in with her Amish neighbors, the Beiler family, she had no idea the turmoil that lay ahead. As this final book in The Beiler Sisters series opens, Debbie is poised to marry Alvin Knepp, the Amish farmer she's loved all along. Ida Beiler is recovering from the tragic loss of her husband-to-be in a farming accident, while her younger sister, Lois, is still running away from her faith. Debbie takes it all in stride as she brings calm to the sorrowing Beiler family while finding happiness with the young man of her dreams. Book 3 in The Beiler Sisters series
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 256 ratings