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Hailey Hudcova
Publisher: Story Seed Publishing
Pages: 74

Smoothies Done Wrong Will Ruin Your Weight LossOkay. You’ve heard lots of good stuff about smoothies. You’ve heard that smoothies are packed full of nutrients. You’ve heard that smoothies are great for losing weight. This is all great and true, but…Only when smoothies are done right!At this point, you want to know one thing: How can smoothies be done wrong?Good question.Mistake #1 - You May Be Starving Your BodyIt is incredibly easy to overlook calories when you replace your meals with smoothies. Let’s take a look at the Super Green Banana Smoothie you’ll find in this book. It contains ½ cucumber, 2 handfuls of spinach, 2 sticks of kale and ½ green banana. Sure, this looks like a lot of food, but it only contains 138 calories. Yes you may “feel full” after drinking it, but this smoothie will not be sufficient to replace a meal. A general replacement smoothie should be in the ...
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5 stars from 9 ratings