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Hanum Gitarina, 50 Things To Know
Publisher: CZYK Publihing
Pages: 43

Do you want to travel to Bali? If you have been to Bali, do you wish to return back and experience much more? Do you want to visit a place where all your five senses will be fascinated? (and your sixth sense will be challenged?) Do you want to be in a great place without spending too much to experience its greatness? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you... 50 Things to Know About Traveling to Bali: an A to Z Guide to Explore Bali by Hanum Gitarina offers some tips and advice to explore Bali, along with its best tourist destinations that you can enjoy on a tight budget. Most books on traveling to Bali give you only the popular tourism destinations to visit. Although there's nothing wrong with that, but Bali has more than what have been written in those books. There are so many unspoiled destinations, hidden beaches, and remote villages that will ...
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