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Noel Gerson
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 350

When the beautiful and brilliant Lady Matilda is requested to marry William, the Bastard Duke of Normandy, she refuses - showing sheer will and determination. William, equally strong-minded, forces her hand in marriage – much to the relief of Matilda’s father, who is keen to peacefully tie Normandy to Flanders. During the first nine years of their marriage, Matilda dutifully bears William several children. Yet she is as determined as William to control England – her desire to become Queen of the country being her singlemost ambition. Fate brings William’s rival to the throne, Earl Harold Godswine, to his castle in Normandy and William sets his own plans to deal with this unusual event. Matilda, on the other hand, has different ideas on how to deal with Harold and against William’s wishes, proposes them to the Earl. However, Matilda’s interference backfires with an unexpected turn of ...
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4 stars from 179 ratings