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Bradley Charbonneau
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 92

The babysitter flaked and four young boys have pretty much free reign of a castle. "Wait, what?" they ask. Yes, they heard it right. While one of their dad is getting married, the boys are free to explore the castle. "They're old enough to be responsible, aren't they?" one dad asked the other. Ah, we soon shall see what the boys discover as they explore the castle, make new friends and learn of the secret of the Markree Castle. But what is the secret of the castle? What lurks behind all of those doors down in the cellar? Who's that scary old guy Killian? Is Alastar to be trusted? You see, dear reader, I don't know yet. These four boys are the creative behind the story. In many ways, I'm just the messenger. The story and magic and secrets of the castle are up to them. It's a collaborative effort and we talk, we imagine, we have Skype calls with poor WiFi connections while two boys are ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 6 ratings