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Nancy Kelsey
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 41

Are you tired of complicated recipes with hard-to-find ingredients?Are you looking for delicious and easy recipes with only a few simple ingredients? 50 EASY RECIPES IN 5 INGREDIENTS OR LESS! This SIMPLE and DELICIOUS cookbook has step-by-step recipes that are easy to follow and simply prepared. All of the recipes only require 5 ingredients or less! No more looking for hard-to-find ingredients that you'll only use once.Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...=> 50 Delicious 5 or Less Ingredients Recipes => You’ll find the Following Main Benefits in This 5 or Less Ingredients Recipes Book.=> Each recipe in this cookbook is healthy, tasty and easy to prepare.=> Each recipe is accompanied with a captivating, beautiful and colored picture of the final outcome recipe.=> Step-by-step directions for preparing each of the recipes that makes the process of cooking much quicker & easier.=> ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 41 ratings