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Edna Curry
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 215

Why would anyone want to kill someone as lovely as Jane Doe? She comes to in a cold, raging river, instinctively fighting for her life, with no idea how she got there or who she is. She needs to stay alive until she can get her memory and former life back, but has no idea who to trust. She falls in love with her rescuer, but is she free to commit? Mel Jonner’s special forces training doesn’t prepare him for the dangers he faces after rescuing Jane, the woman he saw pushed into the bear trap beside the dam on the river outside his office. And nothing prepares him for falling in love with her, even though he was determined never to be responsible for anyone again. What will her past reveal? Will he lose her when she regains her memory and wants to return to her former life?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 45 ratings