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Kenneth H Brady
Publisher: Kenneth H Brady
Pages: 212

Understanding the truth of life and its ultimate purpose - is priceless!• Explode the myth that you only live once.•Challenge the hidden truths of mankind’s heritage.• On average, you have five hundred life times, mostly on Earth, or an occasional experience on another world, if you wish.•Understand how karma dramatically affects your life now, and in future lives. •Reincarnation - understand the amazing process of how you prepare to reincarnate to the Earth. • Be aware of the power of Thought, and how it affects your life and the lives of others.•Know about intelligent life forms on other worlds, and how they communicate with us.•Learn how the destruction of ancient Atlantis, aided the Israelite's escape from Egypt.• Do we choose our parents? - Is our life pre-planned? - Are we more than we think? - Is there only the NOW?If these are some of the questions you ask yourself, the answer ...
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5 stars from 4 ratings