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Kay Brody
Publisher: Martin Brody
Pages: 34

BOOK 1 IN THIS SERIAL, LEFT HOLDING HIS BABY, IS ALWAYS FREE!After all that has happened, Carla believes the time has come for her to leave Greece. But while she may feel it’s for the best, Atreus does not agree. Dios needs her. So does he.Unfortunately, Atreus is not the only one who wants Carla. Brian, the boyfriend she left behind when she came to work for Atreus, has been looking for her. And he’s finally hunted her down.Will Brian’s arrival in Greece help bring Carla back home? Or will it convince her that she belongs in Atreus’ embrace? Will Atreus find a way to trust in Carla's feelings for him, despite Brian's scheme to keep them apart?Find out in Mending A Broken Heart!”The Greek Tycoon" is a romantic short story serial by Kay Brody, author of "Nick & Lexi”, “The Carlisle Sisters” and "Fighting For Ella". Learn more about Kay and all of her books on her Amazon Author Page. And ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 30 ratings