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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 80

*Includes pictures*Includes accounts of the standoff by federal agents and members of the Branch Davidians*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contents“The Latin soldiery subjected the greatest city in Europe to an indescribable sack. For three days they murdered, raped, looted and destroyed on a scale which even the ancient Vandals and Goths would have found unbelievable." - Speros Vryonis, Byzantium and Europe The Fourth Crusade from 1202-1204 is significant in medieval history because it was the first time a crusade was directed against another Christian group. It was also significant since it encompassed two of the four major sieges of Constantinople, and it also sparked a third in 1235 (an unsuccessful attempt to reverse the Latin gains in 1204). Given that legacy, it’s ironic that like the Crusades before it, the Fourth Crusade was ...
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4 stars from 4 ratings