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Marina Sbrochi
Publisher: LuckyGirlM
Pages: 117

Nasty Divorce: A Kid's Eye View will open your eyes to the true life tragedy that comes with high conflict divorce.Author Marina Sbrochi has been writing positive divorce advice for The Huffington Post for since 2012. It was her post, The Lasting Effects of Talking Nasty About Your Ex, that sparked a firestorm of comments.Parental alienation, abuse and mental illness are a common theme in many of these stories. After reading this book, there will be no doubt in your mind, high conflict divorce is incredibly damaging.You'll read first hand things like:"My mom trashed my dad all my life (I'm in my 50's and he died in 2010, but she still tries!) The result was me going through self-hatred, suicidal thoughts, low self-worth, alcoholism, and always trying to achieve and "perform" enough, meanwhile dating ALL the wrong men--for a long time!!" ******"The children (now adults) still go to ...
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