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Steve McCormack
ASIN: B0168W4IP6
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 316

A black and blue tragicomic tale of one boy’s suburban teenage angst, set against a violent yet exciting backdrop of pubs, punk rock, prison, police and perverts during the 1970’s and 80’s. Culminating in a wonderful performance on 'Stars in their Eyes' which at the time was possibly one of the nations most favourite television talent shows.A great book from a first time author; 'See You Next Tuesday' is superbly entertaining. A candid coming of age story spanning a very revealing and formative twenty years, filled with irony, comedic moments, anecdotes and reflections. Warm, compelling and at times quite chilling, but with some incredibly unbelievable adventures on the way. From innocence to experience; the honest tale of an angelic upstart, a petty thief, almost institutionalised, sent to youth prison and a cruel and deadly psychiatric borstal, having to deal with intimidation and ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 25 ratings