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Gary Naiman
Publisher: Fideli Publishing, Inc.
Pages: 306

Karl Frankton is a pathologist with a CDC emergency response team in Somalia. After two days of testing, they have failed to isolate a virus that has wiped out a village on the Webi-Shebelle River. There are no clues, only 84 suffocated villagers. An urgent call has been received from Atlanta ordering Karl to a Seattle fishing village where 23 bodies have been found with similar symptoms. It is today and Karl Frankton is about to confront a disease more deadly than a virus ... a disease called greed.P.P.M.'s warning is clear: "We're approaching a biological disaster beyond our comprehension. While world governments look the other way, we are poisoning our air and water, and time is running out."Amazon reviews:"Well-developed plot and characters. As a medical professional I've read with growing uneasiness the news that scientists are studying organisms knowing they have the ability to ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 37 ratings