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Leenie Brown
ASIN: B017EA71N2
Publisher: Leenie B Books
Pages: 150

Sometimes a father knows what is best for his child. Elizabeth is not so sure.Unwittingly trapped in a compromise of her father's arranging, Elizabeth has no choice but to accept the proposal of a man she is not entirely sure she likes. On the advice of her sister, she begins to question all she has heard about Mr. Darcy.Darcy willingly submits himself to her examination with the hope that their marriage will not be one of unequal affections, for while Elizabeth does not love him, he is quite sure he loves her.When Darcy's answers reveal to Elizabeth that she has been seriously misled about his character, she then begins to examine her own heart. What she finds there is unfamiliar.Could these strange feelings be the beginning of love as her aunt suggests? Is it possible that she can find happiness with her father's choice?Her Father's Choice is the first book in Leenie Brown's Choices: ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 639 ratings