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Marc Cook
Publisher: Loco Media
Pages: 25

Hamburg: Thrills Abound in the Green City on the Water!Are you thinking of your next vacation, but you’re not sure where to go? How about an activity filled trip, with great opportunities to explore a brand new city and discover its culture? If your answer is yes, then Hamburg is just the place to visit.This city in Germany offers its visitors one of the largest harbors in the world, beautiful districts and amazing museums just waiting to be explored.But because Hamburg has a great number of touristic attractions, it can be quite difficult to pick those you are certain to like. That is why you should definitely get this compact book, which will give you the most important information about the places you can’t miss while visiting Hamburg.Inside the Hamburg Travel Guide:RathausDeichstrasseHamburg AltstadtSpeicherstadtPlanten und BlomenHamburger KunsthalleHamburg MuseumPort of ...
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