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Linda A. Malcor
Publisher: Story Merchant Books
Pages: 258

This is a novel that took my breath and imagination away. Seldom do I enjoy a novel to the point I couldn't put it down for a moment. From the start there is a synergistic energy that keeps the storyline in place at all times. For once I wished I could ride a dragon! ~Night Owl Reviews THE WIZARDS . . . Life on Centuria used to make sense. Beings with special powers went to the School of Corin to learn how to control them. The more they learned, the more powerful they became. And the greatest Wizard of them all was the White Wolf.THE WAR . . .During their quests for knowledge, the Wizards accidentally opened a door to another dimension, where the Mirari lived. Beings of Light, the Mirari banished one of their rebels to Centuria where he became known as the Dark One. The Dark One took his anger out on the unprotected world, and the Wizards did not have the power to stop him. So the ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 10 ratings