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Willa Cather
Publisher: (March 2, 2016)
Pages: 242

My Antonia tells the stories of an orphaned boy from Virginia, Jim Burden, and the elder daughter in a family of Bohemian immigrants, Ántonia Shimerda, who are each brought to be pioneers in Nebraska towards the end of the 19th century, as children. Ántonia must work as a servant on the farms of her neighbors after her father commits suicide. She elopes with a railway conductor but returns home and eventually becomes the patient and strong wife of a Bohemian farmer, Anton Cuzak, the mother of a large family and a typical woman of the pioneer West. My Antonia is considered one of Willa Cather’s best works. It is the final book of her prairie trilogy of novels, preceded by O Pioneers! and The Song of the Lark. Includes image gallery.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 6,546 ratings