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Virginia Reeves
Publisher: Virginia Reeves
Pages: 41

Become bold about being in the space of not necessarily knowing where you are or what you are about to do or become. Think of new ideas, practice new behaviors, and be as creative as you wish about the kinds of changes to come. Wearing blinders or refusing to change means you don't get to experience life as fully as possible. The opportunities to be enthusiastic and energetic are drastically diminished. Start with something new; start fresh. Become comfortable with that. Then work on deleting or modifying the memories and routines established in your conscious and subconscious minds. Shift your focus. You don't have to suffer from feelings of being deprived, whether it be from the chains of memories of the past, today's moments, or concerns about getting by with all the tomorrows you view from a present day focus. Spend your energies on finding other answers. You are in control; don't ...
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5 stars from 2 ratings