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Lisa Bassett
Publisher: LSH Publishing
Pages: 21

Good nutrition is an important part of daily living but in this modern and busy world we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves by eating healthy. With our work schedules, our kids after school programs, and our hectic lifestyles, we may choose to eat something just because it is fast, cheap, and easy but not necessarily healthy. French fries and hamburgers prevail when it comes to kids stomachs and the ease of giving into our temptation. But, what if there was an alternative? A delicious way to get your leafy greens and your fruits. Would you be interested in something you could make yourself that was not only cheap, but also healthy, and easy? Would you be interested in say; a smoothie? In the following pages you will learn about smoothies and the importance of getting your nutrients through them. Smoothies are a fast and easy way to get a quick meal while you are on the go and ...
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