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Edita A. Petrick
Publisher: Write2Entertain/Edita A. Petrick
Pages: 299

A killer is leaving a trail of bodies all over Chicago and each one is a puzzle piece….Carly wasn’t ready to deal with betrayal when it came. And there was no one there to offer a hand to help her get back up. Her ex used that weakness to convince the judge that she was an unfit mother. It wasn’t all about child support. It was malice, pure and simple. One part of her however, didn’t fracture. The one that wore a badge and swore to protect citizens of Chicago from all perils, foreign and domestic.That part will always function at its peak efficiency. Especially when detective-sergeant Carolyn Osych is called in the middle of the night, to the site of yet another bizarre and disturbing murder. Five pounds of flesh has been vaporized from a man’s chest. Basically, his chest has been cored. The wound has been cauterized. She can see right through the hole the gravel that covers the parking ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 34 ratings