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Kellie Sullivan
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 126

How To Analyze People & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - The Secrets Will Be Revealed!How To Analyze People:In order to relate well with the people around you and those whom you meet them daily, you must understand them. However, it is almost impossible to understand yourself, your fears, insecurities, behaviors and why you behave differently under different situations. It is only after understanding your own complexities as an individual that you can understand their own. To understand people, you must analyze them in all aspects and from all angles.This book is a step by step guide to help you analyze people instantly and be an amazing person to them. To quench our thirst to be loved, we must position ourselves in a position that will make us loveable and attractive. Standard confidence, a warm smile and a firm handshake is enough to start you off but keeping the ball rolling might be a ...
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