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Maynard Parks
Publisher: ZOLAREN LLC
Pages: 84

Written by an “insider” who’s made it his avocation to analyze and rank the profitability of trading on Amazon—“ Make Money Online Using the Power of Amazon’s Little-Tapped-Into FBA, to Create A Sustainable Income Stream” is an honest, valuable tool for everyday investors.Even beginners can benefit greatly from this play-by-play exposé. Covering a gamut of topics in the lucrative world of online marketing and selling with Amazon’s exclusive and little-tapped fulfillment option—the potent foundational practice which is introduced in this book— the author’s precise system has honed in on decidedly clever and extraordinary concepts which will bring in high returns with very little risk. If the purpose of a lucrative business investment is a healthy and consistent ROI with a minimum of layout, “Make Money Online Using the Power of Amazon’s Little-Tapped-Into FBA to Create A Sustainable ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 12 ratings