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Nancy McGovern
Publisher: McGovern Books
Pages: 79

A trip to the circus?  How exciting!  And what better place for a first date?!Well, it would have been wonderful...Unfortunately, the promotor of the show has been found dead in his trailer and one of the clowns is the main suspect!  It's certainly not the way Bluebell expected to spend her evening.  And, while the Sheriff has come up with a tidy solution to explain the horrid event, Bluebell isn't so sure.She's not sure why but something just doesn't feel...right.  And Bluebell knows she should trust her feelings.  After all, as a witch, albeit a newly-minted one, she's learned that her intuitions & instincts are often spot on.Now, if she could only get these darned spells to work the way they were supposed to...Murder At The Circus is the second Bluebell Knopps Mystery, a witch-based cozy mystery series written by Nancy McGovern.  Nancy is also the author of "A Murder In Milburn", a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 143 ratings