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Godiva Glenn
Publisher: Lunar Mischief Press
Pages: 55

One enchanted All Hallows’ Eve party leads to several marvelously wicked tales brimming with debauchery…Gabe arrives hoping for a fling to forget his ex, but how is a human supposed to impress anyone when there are fairies in the mix? Maybe the magic in the air is on his side…Werewolf Aaron is searching for the perfect pair of breasts, which is what he always looks for at any social gathering. The problem is, it takes a special woman to handle him and all he’s got to offer.And sultry vamp Elissa… well, she’s there for a chance to bang Aaron. Vampires and werewolves rarely mix, but tonight, anything is possible. As long as she remains within the protected border of the party she’s safe to try. If she steps out and gets caught, that’s another story.They’re all looking for fun. They’ll find it and much more.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 16 ratings