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Ellis J Stewart
Publisher: Ellis J Stewart
Pages: 364

In 2014 Mount Everest was closed to all climbers after a devastating avalanche claimed the lives of sixteen Nepali mountain workers ferrying loads up through the Khumbu Icefall on the mountains southern approach through Nepal. Almost a year to the day later in late April 2015, the mountain was once more rocked to its core after a large earthquake struck Nepal sending shockwaves rippling across the Himalayas. These ripples left a trail of devastation in their path causing yet again another avalanche to wreak havoc on the mountain. This time, nineteen people lost their lives, on what would become the deadliest day in the mountain's history.Back in 2013, Ellis J Stewart a then 40-year-old from the UK had but one goal, to climb the mountain. Something he had targeted achieving for over 20 years. This book is the author’s story of those endeavours during the two most devastating years in the ...
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4.5 stars from 1,581 ratings