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Al Macy
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 199

Private detective Eric Beckman can read minds. He's used to weird cases, but this one may be his most difficult yet. A beloved relative has disappeared into a suspicious psychiatric hospital and Eric has no choice but to go in after her. Getting in is easy—he knows how to fake insanity. Getting out … not so much. The asylum's director has some personality issues of his own and is doing more than just treating patients. Now that Eric is one of them, his mind may be headed for a fate worse than death. His only hope for escape is to work together with the other inmates. But collaborating with schizophrenics has its own challenges, even when he knows what they're thinking. Unless he can get word to the outside, the case could cost him his sanity. [i]Sanity's Thief[/] is a standalone book and may be understood and enjoyed without reading any of the other books in the series.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 270 ratings