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Abigail Haversham
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 483

Six more new, unpublished Regency Romance stories from one of the best in the genre…And they’re just 99 cents for a limited time only! Always FREE with Kindle Unlimited!Abigail Haversham has written six #1 Amazon Bestsellers in Historical Christian Romance. Download this sweet/clean Regency romance box set TODAY and find out why they’re so popular! Here are the six new stories you’ll find in “A Winter Cavalcade of Romantic Dukes:”The Rumor Mill. What happens when a handsome Duke and his lovely bride become the victim of scandalous rumors? Find out in this lighthearted, wicked romance!The Duke’s First Visitor. According to Regency era tradition, a family’s first visitor of the New Year had the power to bring look and good fortune. Can a comely lady use the tradition to rekindle her romance with a charming Duke after their wedding plans go awry?Snowed in at the Winter Ball. A handsome ...
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