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Theresa DaLayne
Publisher: Limitless Publishing, LLC
Pages: 116

A single mistake has torn Jayden's life down the middle, leaving him at a crossroads...After an ancient Mayan ceremony goes horribly wrong, Jayden is left to face reality--the girl he once loved is pledged to another. At his breaking point, he steals a cab to leave behind the group of enchanted descendants, this time for good.When Hawa--a beautiful but lethal acquaintance--decides to call shotgun, his only choice is to take her along for the ride.He'd be glad to have the company...if it were anyone but her. He only knows her by occasionally sharing a hallway in Renato's huge estate in Belize. It's clear she has a perma-chip in her shoulder, and they have absolutely nothing in common. So he thinks...With no cash and nowhere to stay, Hawa leads him into the heart of Guatemala City to an abandoned hotel of orphaned kids. As more of her tainted past is revealed, an unwelcome memory ...
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5 stars from 1 rating