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50 Things To Know, Michelle Wulf
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 30

Have you ever wondered how to make the transition to a life in a van? Are you burdened with financial concerns? Do you have any idea what things to bring that will be useful? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you...50 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Van Life Adventure by Michelle Wulf offers an approach to planning an epic long term road trip.Most books on Van Life give you advice on only one small aspect of the lifestyle. Although there's nothing wrong with that, this book is much more comprehensive, giving you an all-encompassing insight to the many aspects of living on the road.This book will help you get an idea of where and how to start your transition to an alternative way of living. In these pages, you'll discover money saving tips, money making recommendations, and budgeting advice. You’ll also come across numerous tips and tricks to ...
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3.5 stars from 11 ratings