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Diana Watson
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 262

The Mediterranean Instant Pot Cookbook combines THREE delicious cookbook recipe manuals in ONE book!Included In This 3-In-1 BundleThe Mediterranean DietThe Instant Pot Cookbook (Vol. 1)The Instant Pot: Cookbook 50 Wicked Good Recipes! (Vol. 2)Do you lead a busy life and just don't have the extra time to spend in the kitchen for meal preparation and cooking? Are you sick of wasting hours of your day cooking a meal that takes less than 15 minutes to eat? But more importantly, are you sick and tired of cleaning and scrubbing the endless number of dishes, cutlery, stove, pots, and pans after all is done? Well what if I told you that there is a way you can make meals that not only heavenly, but takes so litle time to prepare and clean up that it makes the whole process of cooking so much more fun and enjoyable? Doesn't that sound like the perfect use of time inside, and outside the ...
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3 stars from 4 ratings